September Campaign at A Touch of Youth

Ask: A Touch of Youth was looking to re-engage existing customers and convert new leads, by highlighting the monthly specials and offerings.

My approach: I did some research to uncover the biggest struggles their target market was facing. Many women struggled with dark circles, wrinkles and volume loss. In the campaign I ensured my copy included exciting headlines designed to capture the reader’s attention. I led with benefits the client could expect first to help excite her and keep their attention longer. I made sure that the copy showed how each product offering could help her achieve her goal.

Marketer and Social Media Manager, Chauncie Akita designed the layout, chose the images and font pairings.

Outcome: This month 15% of the spa’s clientele came in and bought the special.

Project Roles
Copywriting, Canva
Advertising, Branded Content
September Campaign at A Touch of Youth
September Campaign at A Touch of Youth
September Campaign at A Touch of Youth