PayPal Paid Media Asset Test

While at RAPP I lead an embedded team to help PayPal translate their branding campaign, created by a different team at RAPP, and evolve it into lead driving acquisition campaigns. In addition, PayPal has a wonderful culture of continuous testing which we were able to deploy for one of their newer products, Payin4.

The test rested on a number of insights, including length of CTA, length of body copy and actionable header vs. static. I helped shape the testing strategy and learning agenda to help determine what KPIs we should strive for, how to determine the winning creative and then quickly update all assets and redeploy for optimum performance. I also led creative direction and feedback, and worked closely with the client to ensure the test results were packaged into a usable business case to share with PayPal senior management.

Project Roles
Creative Direction, Creative Strategy
Social Media Content
PayPal Paid Media Asset Test
PayPal Paid Media Asset Test
PayPal Paid Media Asset Test