US Open: NY is Open

Despite record-breaking ticket sales, the US Open social conversation was down 44% from 2015. We needed to create a campaign that would get people talking again with a budget that no one would write home about.

Using the deep-rooted connection between New York and the tournament itself, we developed a transmedia campaign that included a film featuring real US Open Ball Boys & Girls honing their skills on the streets of NYC, and social microcontent that brought the best of the Open to the best of Manhattan.

The Ball Kids "social video" latched onto the hearts of the clients so much so that they decided to run it as a national TV spot on ESPN during the event. I wasn't only the writer and ACD, but also came up with the concept and served as the Associate Producer.

Project Roles
Copywriter, Creative Director, Writer
Mediabrands Society
Cat Herding, Copywriting, Creative Direction, Location, Producing
Commercials - Broadcast, Social Media Content
Project Industries
Advertising, Lifestyle, Sports