Growing up

Growing Up

Growing Up is telling a series of my personal childhood story. As children, many of us hoped to grow up quickly. For example, children often say things like, "When I grow up, I want to be a doctor / astronaut / movie star". We thought that we would be able to do anything once we get older. However, if one were to stop and think, we would realize that we are still looking forward to the future and actually still growing up, whether it be becoming rich, becoming a boss, owning a better car or getting married and having children. This project, Growing Up, narrates the importance of embracing the present.

Directed by Hyemin Lee

Hyemin Lee

Hyemin Lee
Wei-Shen Wang
Ana Chang

Project Roles
2D, 3D, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
2D Animations, Motion Graphics