Photographer Darius Petrulaitis found inspiration in a hand made wonders he ran into almost everywhere in Armenia. From local car mechanic shop to fancy restaurant, those objects organically blend into somewhat Mad-Maxian atmosphere of modern Armenia, celebrating resilient DIY spirit of everyday life.
There is certain aspect of pride here of making or enhancing things on your own. Take air ventilator for example, instrumental in preparing the essential shashlik – meat skewer – the pride of Armenian cuisine. Ventilator is used to control the coal temperature and each chef makes it’s own, using a discarded propeller, flattened metal bar and electrical tape. Make no mistake – it does not lower the Chefs prestige. On the contrary – this self-made improvement gives him an honorable “man with a hands” credit. Not starting to count all saved dramas, the Armenian currency. But that’s not the main point.
Same goes with all the bits and pieces at home or at work, remade, adapted, invented and reinvented again. As one Yerevanian craftsman said “we make so much stuff by ourselves, that often forget already having it, and thus, we make another one”.