Oreo Wondervault

It's not often that you're presented with a brief asking you to manifest a magical world explaining where new OREO cookie flavors come from. But for me and my partner, this past fall that very thing happened. After countless ideas ranging from whimsical scent sniffing clouds to steampunk diesel dusting cookie creation machines, we landed on the idea of a "Wonder Vault". A magical place located just under our noses, hidden from plain site, but visible to those with just enough sense of wonder.

The Wonder Vault debuted with the telling of the story of their 2 new permanent OREO delights, Red Velvet and Cinnamon Bun. The campaign was introduced to the world via a short web video that gave fans a magical lens into the Wonder-filled world of OREO's flavorful creations.

Project Roles
Art Director
Interactive Installations, Interactive Videos
Project Industries
Advertising, Packaged Goods
Oreo Wondervault
Oreo Wondervault