Guitar Center e-commerce UX designs

I designed improved user experiences across various desktop and mobile e-commerce projects that resulted in increased engagement and completed purchase metrics. Worked extensively on innovative internal black box initiatives with the vision to drive consumer engagement. Worked on redesigns of many internal applications such as a universal order system, onlineóbrick-and-mortar syncing applications and consumer-facing micro-sites.

Project Roles
Designer, Product Designer, UX/IA Designer
Guitar Center
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Keynote, OmniGraffle, Sketch
App Design, Desktop Apps, E-commerce Platforms, Product Designs, Products - Digital, UI Design, UX Designs, Visual Designs
Project Industries
Music, Technology
Guitar Center e-commerce UX designs
Guitar Center e-commerce UX designs
Guitar Center e-commerce UX designs
Guitar Center e-commerce UX designs
Guitar Center e-commerce UX designs
Guitar Center e-commerce UX designs
Guitar Center e-commerce UX designs