The Benzacs Instagram Series

The Benzacs was the first multipart "Instadramedy" on Instagram. 22 episodes over 21 days, the series launched across 4 separate handles with personal accounts from the perspective of main characters as their lives and faces changed. With over 150 unique pieces of dynamic content, it was a new depth of storytelling built for tap-happy teens. Our "Zit-Com" was a hit making a boring acne product relevant, relatable and fun.

Project Roles
Art Director, Copywriter, Type Designer
Art Direction, Conceptual, Comedy, Content, Design, Entertainment, Humor, Live Action, Low Budget, Print
Advertising, Brand Films, Branded Content
Project Industries
Advertising, Beauty, Entertainment
The Benzacs Instagram Series
The Benzacs Instagram Series
The Benzacs Instagram Series
The Benzacs Instagram Series
The Benzacs Instagram Series