Library Management System

Introducing My Cool Project: Library Management System in JavaFX! ✨

The goal was to create a scalable robust implementation for a ideal library management system in javafx , response ui design , error handling and validations , challenge was to manage a good database design and structure to ensure data persistence .

An advanced Library Management System built with JavaFX! This project features a comprehensive suite of functionalities to manage every aspect of a library, from user authentication to book management.
#User Authentication: Secure login and registration system for admins and librarians.
#Dashboard: An intuitive home page to navigate through various modules.
#Book Management: Add, update, and manage book details effortlessly.
#Student Management: Track student information and their interactions with the library.
#Issue & Return: Seamlessly handle book issuance and returns.
#Record Viewing: Access records of issued books, view defaulters, and more.
Technical Stack:
#JavaFX for the sleek and modern user interface.
#MySQL for robust and reliable database management.
#MySQL Workbench for database design and maintenance.
Users Table: Stores user details with auto-incrementing IDs.
Book Details Table: Manages book information.
Student Details Table: Keeps track of student records.
Issue Book Details Table: Monitors book issues , Return Books.

Project Roles
App Developer, Back-End Developer, Developer, Front-End Developer
Back-End Development, Front-End Development, Visual Development, Product Development
Desktop Apps
Library Management System
Library Management System
Library Management System
Library Management System
Library Management System
Library Management System
Library Management System