FLY:FWD (Philadelphia Eagles x Operation Warm)

The Sports Bra:
According to Brandi Chastain, this is the undergarment that gives you “the feeling that screams ‘Yes, I can’”. And, honestly, she should know best.
The Eagles gave us at 160over90 (their AOR at the time of writing) a call one afternoon. They had partnered with Operation Warm, a non-profit dedicated to giving new coats and shoes to kids who need ‘em, to create a new initiative. They wanted to encourage more young bra-wearing athletes to stick with sports. And in order to do that, they needed to help ensure these athletes had the essential gear.
They needed a name. A logo. And a proper brand. And we had a month.
The brand needed to appeal to kids, donors and potential franchise partners (beyond founding partner, the Eagles), but needed to feel distinctly connected to the Eagles brand.

Project Roles
Creative Director
Motion, Brand Strategy, Naming, Brand Management
Brand Guidelines, Logos, Naming
FLY:FWD (Philadelphia Eagles x Operation Warm)