4M Corporate Brand Identity

4M is a company based in Ann Arbor, MI connecting technology to a diverse set of industries. From micro-grids, to restaurants, to real estate, to co-working… they do it all.

There is lies the problem! How does a one company that does so much, connect to so many different people?

We started by developing a brand strategy that identified key stakeholders and worked with 4M’s founders to establish a meaningful brand identity. By establishing the brand’s purpose and defining the brand’s tone, value, and expectation… we were able to establish a coherent brand position.

The visual identity system was designed to allow 4M to continue to serve their diverse audiences, while maintaining consistency across verticals.

Project Roles
Art Director, Creative Director, Designer, Strategist
Design, Brand Strategy
Advertising, Brand Guidelines, Logos, UI Design, Brand Identity
Project Industries
4M Corporate Brand Identity
4M Corporate Brand Identity
4M Corporate Brand Identity
4M Corporate Brand Identity
4M Corporate Brand Identity
4M Corporate Brand Identity
4M Corporate Brand Identity
4M Corporate Brand Identity
4M Corporate Brand Identity
4M Corporate Brand Identity