ChainFighter Mobile Game

This is a very simple game where you choose three moves against an opponent that also chooses three moves. The set of moves is called a chain, and both chains are compared. You as the player are tasked with figuring out which moves have an advantage over the other, how much damage they can cause, and what is the cost of each move. The game supports light and dark/night modes as well, and fun soundtracks.

I created this game, written in mostly Kotlin and some Java, with XML for the UI. I draw the art with Whiteboard, exported them to SVG and edited them in Adobe Illustrator. I also wrote and mixed the music myself mainly in Garageband, then made final adjustments in Reaper for the soundtracks.

The original version of the game was written in Python with Tkinter as the UI, this is where I narrowed down the game mechanics and logic behind the gameplay. I wanted to publish the game for others to play it, so I recreated everything in Android Studio and applied better programming techniques to help me organize the code.

One of the first challenges was making a system that could compare moves done by the player and the opponent. So I came up with a move object with advantages and weaknesses as part of the object properties. This made it so that I didn't have to hardcode every possible scenario, the system simply needed to compare the properties and yield a result.

Another challenge was adding a grouped move system where three moves where added to a players set called a chain. I essentially created a custom collection, which required me to learn about data structures and how different sets of data operate, in short algorithms.

The biggest challenge was getting used to Android's SDK and assest management. One of my main goals in general is to become a mobile developer, and making a game was a great way to push myself towards that goal. While Android SDK is not an ideal game engine like Unity or Unreal, it did allow me to realize two goals in one project, and I was finally able to release the app, which is available in the Google Play Store.

Project Roles
App Developer, Game Designer
Android, Front-End Development, Mobile
App Design, Games - Mobile, Mobile Apps, Software
ChainFighter Mobile Game
ChainFighter Mobile Game
ChainFighter Mobile Game
ChainFighter Mobile Game
ChainFighter Mobile Game
ChainFighter Mobile Game
ChainFighter Mobile Game
ChainFighter Mobile Game