Yiannis Lucacos Chef

Yianis Lucacos is a master-chef with international reputation. The re-design of the website focused on a user-friendly, clean and recipe-first webpage.
On the new website, the visitor could browse the different categories of the provided recipes, each recipe with specific steps to follow, a wide cooking guide and educational material.

They say ‘content is the king’ and the specific project was following exactly the same lead. Minimal, clean and modern. One constrain was the aspect ratio of the recipe images. In that way, all the recipe presentation cards, the main recipe page and the majority of the elements on the design had to respect the image ratio rule and the vertical presentation.

Project by wedia.gr
Role: Creative Direction, UI Design
Go Live: 2017

Project Roles
Creative Director, UI Designer
Creative Direction, Design
Yiannis Lucacos Chef
Yiannis Lucacos Chef
Yiannis Lucacos Chef
Yiannis Lucacos Chef
Yiannis Lucacos Chef
Yiannis Lucacos Chef
Yiannis Lucacos Chef
Yiannis Lucacos Chef