Nissan Intelligent Mobility Augmented Reality App

We created an augmented reality app with Designory, for Nissan showrooms nationwide to show off their cars' ever-increasing intelligent technology. The app enticed users to explore scenarios only achievable in AR, such as life-sized accident-prevention scenarios and visualized the tech behind the scenes.

Project Roles
Designer, UI Designer, UX/IA Designer
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Art Direction, Content, Design, Digital, Digital Tech, Human-Centered Design, Interaction, Interactive, Storyboarding, Technology, Unity, Visual Development
App Design, Augmented Reality, Interaction Designs, Presentations, Products - Digital, Prototypes, Site Maps, Typography, UI Design, User Flows, UX Designs, Visual Designs, Wireframes
Project Industries
Augmented Reality, Automotive