Volkswagen Goodbye Citi

Volkswagen’s Citi is a South African icon. It’s the best selling car in our history and an irreplaceable part of our culture. So in 2009, when Volkswagen announced that the car would be discontinued, it was heartbreaking news for thousands. We were briefed to create a farewell campaign for the car.

Citi means so much to the South African people. So rather than saying goodbye to the car on behalf of South Africa, we decided to create a way for South Africans to say goodbye to the car for themselves.

In November 2009, we took the last Citi ever made and set out on a journey around South Africa. We were going to give the whole nation a chance to say goodbye to the car and sign it. Like a big farewell card. We tracked the whole journey live from a website, opened social media pages so that people could say goodbye online and finally, parked the car in the Volkswagen Museum, where it will stand forever, covered with goodbye messages. We then took all the footage from our epic road-trip and created a commercial for national television.

Project Roles
Art Director
Art Direction
Case Study Videos
Project Industries