The U.S. Army Reserve is a part-time force that provides an opportunity for those who want to serve their nation as a Soldier, yet retain their civilian lives. To help prospective recruits better understand this, we created four interactive films that highlighted two key messages: The expertise civilians bring to the Army Reserve from their civilian careers give the Army added scale and scope to adapt and respond to the Nation’s challenges home and abroad. And conversely, through advanced training and experience, the Army Reserve helps men and women achieve their goals and gain an edge in their civilian careers.
The films were integrated into a site experience but instead of the typical pause/play video functionality, users could toggle between the Soldiers civilian career story and Army Reserve career story on the fly, highlighting the similarities and differences. In addition, an interactive timeline allowed users to jump to relevant micro-content allowing them to dive deeper and discover more detail about the jobs. See the experience at GOARMY.COM
Role: Associate Creative Director, Art Director, Writer