The productions of The Dutch National Opera are from a world class level, produced to the smallest detail with love and perfection. They wrote out a pitch to find ideas that would show all the love, craftsmanship and hidden gems of an opera production but you won’t see when you’re in the theatre.
Visiting the opera is a true experience. What you’ll see and hear on stage tickles all your senses. But how would someone experience this when he or she has an handicap and has one sense superior developed?
What does opera feel like?
We invited Herman Kleton, who’s blind but also a big opera fan, to be our guide. Someone who experiences a performance in total different way. He was invited backstage to feel the fabrics of the costumes, put on some make-up, walk on the stage and even meet – in his own way – with opera star Massimo Cavalletti.
My role
In this project I was involved from the very beginning till the final production. Together with creatives Tom Klaver and Sebastian Witteveen I send in the idea for the pitch. After winning I took on the role as a creative director and produced the film. Finding the right director, reviewing edits and of course making sure we stayed on budget.