Brand, Product, Direction
Broadcast, Conceptual, Content, Design, Digital, Interactive, iOS, Language: English, Mobile, New Business, Print, Social, Stunts, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop, Art Direction, Creative Direction, Experiential, Integrated, Lifestyle, Low / High Fidelity Prototyping, Maintaining Schedules, Management of Teams 1-10, Management of Teams 10-20, Motion, Sketch, Strategy, Technology, Visual Development
Brand Guidelines, Infographics, Key Art, Posters, Product Designs, Prototypes, UX Designs, Advertising, App Design, Branded Content, E-commerce Platforms, Logos, Microsites, Mobile Apps, Packaging, Photography, Pitch Decks, Presentations, Products - Digital, Retail Designs, Service Designs, Social Media Content, Squarespace Sites, Typography, UI Design, Virtual Reality, Visual Designs, Wayfinding, Web Apps, Websites, Wireframes, Wordpress Sites