Inquisitive, Adaptable, Obsessive
Android, Art Direction, CSS, Digital, Editorial, Experiential, HTML, Interactive, iOS, Language: English, Mobile, Social, Speaking Engagements, Commercial, Conceptual, Creative Direction, Design, E-Commerce, Integrated, Interaction, Management of Teams 1-10, Management of Teams 10-20, Management of Teams 20+, Managing Budgets, New Business, Project Management, Strategy, Technology, User Behavior Research, Visual Development, Brand Management, Brand Strategy, Card Sorting, Carpentry, Cartoonist, Cat Herding, Consulting, Creative Research, Creative Strategy, Design Strategy, Environments, Exhibition Graphics, HTML Email Development, Illustration, Journey Mapping, Keynote, Low Budget, Marketing Strategy, PowerPoint, Procreate, Research, User Interviews, User Research, Wrangling - Creatives
App Design, Brand Guidelines, Icons, Illustrations, Logos, Posters, Presentations, Product Designs, Prototypes, UI Design, UX Designs, Advertising, Art, Blog Templates, Branded Content, Desktop Apps, Drupal Sites, E-commerce Platforms, Infographics, Microsites, Mobile Apps, Mood Boards, Motion Graphics, Pitch Decks, Products - Digital, Roadmaps, Service Designs, Software, Squarespace Sites, Storyboards, Timelines, Visual Designs, Web Apps, Websites, Wireframes, Wordpress Sites, Billboards, Brand Identity, Branding, Briefs, Brochures, Budgets, Campaigns, Cartoons, Case Study Videos, Comics, Concept Art, Customer Journey Map, HTML5 Banners, Squarespace Websites